About Me

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Hello..my name is Julia. I'm just a regular teenage girl.:) On my blog I mostly post pictures...not anything fancy just pictures I take with my friends. Hope you guys like it! :)

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

a little baking :)

   So today is my dad's birthday and he LOVES buckeyes. So mom and I made some for him even though it's 1am and we probably could of wanted til later today..I took a few pictures cause I was getting bored.....so here they are.....
Jetta wanted so of what daddy had ;)

Dad's surprise

Monday, December 26, 2011

bits of knowledge :)

________________The QUOTE OF the DAY!_______________ 
            -Efforts and Courage are not enough without purpose and direction! -unknown

Sunday, December 25, 2011

"I do not crap all over the house"   -and-      "Thanks for the translation PAC MAN"  :) hahaha gooodddd stuff
Love this video! <3 reminds me of my friend!

Merry Christmas Everybody! :)

Saturday, December 24, 2011

  I'm still up at 3:00a.m on Christmas so I thought I would just post something about Christmas! I LOVE Christmas but I HATE what people made it be. All people think Christmas is, is a day they  get presents and money. This is my view of Christmas...A man was born to die,just for someone as rotten as me. He was perfect....he shouldnt of been the one to die. If we fought for our rights we would be in @#!*% tonight.Some people say @#!*% is impossible but the word impossible says it self "Im possible." The best gift for Christmas is the hope Christ gave us! The Children of God that are saved can rest their heads on their pillows and know everything will be okay. I know when I was first starting to go to a Baptist Church, and heard about the real @#!*% ....I had a really hard time going to bed at night. God gave a BIG present to us all. How would most fathers feel, if they had to watch their son died. And the father sent his son to die to save some lost person.....that's how it was for God to send Jesus. So this Christmas and many more to come.....let's remember what CHRISTmas is about. :)

                                                                              Merry Christmas Everybody!,

Monday, December 19, 2011

Creation Museum 2011-Recent!!!-

Us with the "Hot chocolate guy"

     On Friday(Dec.16th,2011) I went to the Creation Museum with the Smith Family! It was awesome! My favorite time to go is in the winter when they have Christmas Lights everywhere. I  took lots of pictures but some I'm not going to post only cause they are a "little" embarrassing......Shawna would know what I mean. lol. The whole day was great! Later that day when I got home my mom told me that my grandpa had died of a heart attack.(RIP-Grandpa Dennis)So here are my pictures......hope u guys like them. I'm working on some black&white pictures so once Im done I'll post them :)
what my little cousin(Liam) would call, "The Cloud Factory"

jesus' birth

King David
the library

the front gate

soo true
Shawna's brother, Jeff

My fail jump

me and Shawna :)

Shawna's sis, Brittany

Me and Shawna(Horrible picture of both of us!)

me and shawna with the bear!

Loved that monkey!


The first time I went, I was scared to go through this part

Shawna wanted me to post this ^_^

Shawna playing the trivia about the ark

The ark and...some sceaming people!

The ark

Of course....girls always take pictures like this. :)
Ken Ham(owner) Me, and Shawna

I LOVED this pic!

some random guy in the play

This guy was SUPER funny!


these guys were something else

Mary, Joesph and Jesus(not really them)

me and Jeff got pulled into dancing

they were so cute!


one of my favorites also.....

Rachael with the duck that attacked me >:(

Rachael and her boyfriend
Last pic we took that day!

yes, I know i posted this twice.....I just love this picture of Shawna and I though :)